AdminHelpdice Team30 May, 2024Rehearsal is the process of actively manipulating information so that it can beretained in memory. There are two main types of rehearsal, they aresustenance and maintenance rehearsalspecific and non-specific rehearsalmaintenance and elaborative rehearsalelaborative and specific rehearsalCheck AnswerRelated MCQ's All the following emotions are universal except...3 hour agoThe relative strength of the drives of hunger, thirst and sex have been studiedexperimentally in the white rat by...3 hour agoThe Neo-Freudians include...3 hour agoThe attribution of one's own unacceptable urges or qualities to others...3 hour agoApproximately how many trait words for personality are there in the Englishlanguage?...3 hour agoIn relation to the development of intelligence, the results of twin studies indicatethat...3 hour agoThe declarative memory system that holds information about specific events orpersonal experiences; the declarative ...3 hour agoThe process of linking new information in a meaningful way with informationalready stored in memory or with other n...3 hour agoAll of the following qualities describe reasoning by intuition except...3 hour agoWhat is the nature of the relationship between language and thought according tothe weak version of linguistic rela...3 hour ago