AdminHelpdice Team30 May, 2024A…… a short description of your screenplay that highlights the main character's and the journey they go on.plotdictionspectaclesynopsisCheck AnswerRelated MCQ's Screenplay can be told in …..pages....Mon, 10 Mar… a series of shots strung together in rapid succession....Mon, 10 MarGenerally which of the following is/are the elements of backstory?...Mon, 10 MarThe four important P's of story....Mon, 10 MarWhich of the following is true about storyboard?...Mon, 10 MarTransitions includes……...Mon, 10 MarThe indent for character....Mon, 10 MarThe camera moves in horizontal direction is called……...Mon, 10 Mar……is the lines of speech for each character....Mon, 10 Marwhich shot can be taken from as much as a quarter of a mile away....Mon, 10 Mar