AdminHelpdice Team30 May, 2024A Bennet's fracture is difficult to maintain in reduced position because of the pull ofextensor pollicis longusextensor pollicis brevisabductor pollicis longusabductor pollicis brevisCheck AnswerRelated MCQ's Attitude of the limb in anterior dislocation of hip...Mon, 10 MarA segmental compound fracture tibia with 1cm skin wound is classified as...Mon, 10 MarInter trochanteric fracture has trendelenberg sign negative because of the action of...Mon, 10 MarDuga's test is helpful in...Mon, 10 MarAll the following requires open reduction & internal fixation almost always except...Mon, 10 MarVolkmann's ischemic contracture mostly involves...Mon, 10 MarComplication of fracture scaphoid is...Mon, 10 MarIn Colles fracture not seen in...Mon, 10 MarTrue about clavicular fracture is...Mon, 10 MarMedial meniscus is more vulnerable to injury because of?...Mon, 10 Mar