AdminHelpdice Team30 May, 2024How many 4-letter words with or without meaning, can be formed out of the letters of the word, 'LOGARITHMS', if repetition of letters is not allowed?4040050402520Check AnswerRelated MCQ's The maximum number of different permutations of 5 letters of the word 'MORADABAD' is...Mon, 10 MarThe number of words that can be formed using all the letters of the word LIMPET, so that the vowels are always toge...Mon, 10 MarFind the total number of distinct vehicle numbers that can be formed using two letters followed by two numbers. Let...Mon, 10 MarIn how many ways can 15 people be seated around two round tables with seating capacities of 7 and 8 people?...Mon, 10 MarWhat is the total number of ways in which Dishu can distribute 9 distinct gifts among his 8 distinct girlfriends su...Mon, 10 MarOn a newyear day every student of a class sends a card to every other student. The postman delivers 600 cards. How ...Mon, 10 MarEverybody in a room shakes hand with everybody else. The total number of handshakes is 66. The total number of pers...Mon, 10 MarHow many numbers divisible by 5 and lying between 3000 and 4000 can be formed from the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (rep...Mon, 10 MarNumbers greater than 1000 but not greater than 4000 which can be formed with the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 (Repetitions...Mon, 10 MarIf $$^nC_{r-1} = 10$$, $$^nC_r = 45$$, and $$^nC_{r+1} = 120$$ then r equals...Mon, 10 Mar