AdminHelpdice Team30 May, 2024An alternative optimal solution to a minimization transportation problem exists whenever opportunity cost corresponding to unused route of transportation is:Positive & greater than zeroPositive with at least one equal to zeroNegative with at least one equal to zeroNone of the aboveArtificial cellsCheck AnswerRelated MCQ's With the transportation technique, the initial solution can be generated in any fashion one chooses. The only restr...Mon, 10 MarWhat is the objective function in linear programming problems?...Mon, 10 MarOR uses models to help the management to determine its __________...Mon, 10 MarOR has a characteristics that it is done by a team of...Mon, 10 MarIf an opportunity cost value is used for an unused cell to test optimality, it should be...Mon, 10 MarThe group replacement policy is suitable for identical low cost items which are likely to ______________....Mon, 10 MarIf an activity has zero slack, it implies that______________....Mon, 10 MarThe calling population is assumed to be infinite when ______________....Mon, 10 MarThe total opportunity cost matrix is obtained by doing ______________....Mon, 10 MarEconomic order quantity results in ______________...Mon, 10 Mar