AdminHelpdice Team30 May, 2024At light load transformer efficiency is less becausesecondary output is lowtransformer losses are highfixed loss is high compared to outputcopper loss is smallCheck AnswerRelated MCQ's The capacitance microphone is used for the detection of...Mon, 10 MarMoisture content in the soil _______________ the soil resistance....Mon, 10 MarPurpose of backup protection is...Mon, 10 MarIn a star connected system without neutral grounding, zero sequence currents are...Mon, 10 MarThe advantage of neutral earthing is...Mon, 10 MarSolid grounding is addopted for voltages below...Mon, 10 MarConduit pipes are normally used to protect ________________ cables....Mon, 10 MarThe bedding on a cable consists of...Mon, 10 MarThe insulating material for a cable should have...Mon, 10 MarThe full form of ELCB is...Mon, 10 Mar